✿ 未来が見える : Flow© ✿
The smooth surface,
Almost mirror like,
Watching it unknowingly,
I entered its flow,
Unconsciously submerged by it,
Fighting to grasp the sky,
Before being pulled down again,
Following it’s flow,
Unable to turn back,
The road is set;
I shall head to sea,
Can you see the future?
It’s unpredictable
We all know what I go through when the weather is this unbearably hot.. thus is my life... Sigh... Got back from the South 2 days ago? Was in Singapore, seeing my cute nephews and well.. maybe it's my last trip since I'll start work next week.. NEXT MONDAY to be exact.. that will mean even less time then now to do all the stuff I've usually been doing... Of my list.. - Sort pictures from 2006-2007 for developing Not even 10% done I think.. sad..
- Finish photo album with current pictures (Where the heck did I put the pictures??! Damn!) Well there's about 30% more to go I guess.. maybe more..
- Translate the Ghost Hunt Manga Volume 10 Haven't translated a thing for almost 2 months?? 20 more pages... and well. .the other parts haven't been uploaded...
Wash bathroom It obviously needs to be washed again..
tidy room... (Well only one corner is messy....) With my sister here.. it got messed again.. and well.. I did some messing too..
Iron clothes.... Non at the moment..
Tidy up cupboard...g I messed it up a tad..
- Practise musical instruments? Does playing twinkle twinkle little star on the violin once count?
- Blog about my excursions etc.? Well, when I find the mood.. and time... Time, time... and well.. mood... plus blogspot stop being an ass and let me upload pictures.. I can't even write reviews for CA as it is =.=
- Tidy up the "Work" room next door.. well after I'm done with it.. Never touched it.. and my sis messed it up too..
- ... Anything else I deem fit to enter into this entry.....
I'm a failure... it's hopeless.. Not many pictures from Singapore.. unless you count the countless nephew pictures?? ermm well... that is all for the time being.. feeling really tired.. am gonna hit the sack early before i burst a vein over my retarded adium ( It works as My IM.. allows me to sign in to MSN, YM and google talk at the same time..).. so sorry if you see me signing in and out of MSN, and am not replying your messages.. It's honestly not my fault... Mel wants to have a halloween party this friday.. i.e. 31st October 2008, means I'll miss my badminton again.. and well I don't know what to go as.. any suggestions? I have a traditional Japanese summer dress a.k.a the Yukata and I thought of going in that( saying I'm either going as Jigoku shoujo, or some lame thing such as.. the background character in some periodical anime, where everyone wears a yukata).. But mel suggested going as a Japanese school girl.. in which this would involve my old high school's marron tie, a white shirt, my mini red checkered skirt.. court shoes.. and white socks if I can find it... so which one should I go as...?? some "Japanese student" or some Japanese in the traditional Japanese summer dress? inputs are gladly appreciated and very much needed. Thank you On another note.. my iTunes has been fixed.. I really got to love the guy at IT Planets at the curve.. though I feel sorry for bothering him so often.. =.=' and some earlier posts below.. will be edited to include pictures.. that is.. when my connection allows me to upload pictures... =.=' -Oracl3- P/S: My IM is being a really HUGE pain in the ASS!! Grrrrr!! Labels: Amusing, Anger, Confused, Critically Acclaimed, Family, Random Rambling, Rant, Travel
Will be unavailable for the weekend... Reason.. going down south.. to maybe... possibly chase a lost love??!! Well, details later when I get back.. if I remember and if I've the time.... Anything urgent.. call my mobile.. I'm bringing it along.. -Oracl3- Labels: Notice
ONE WORD: RANT, DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT! FOUL LANGUAGE A PLENTY!!What the fuck is the problem??? My adium is retarded as in it won't connect to MSN, forcing me to use meebo most of the time. If it does connect to MSN it hangs when I'm halfway chatting, or when a person sends me a message.. Hence Whatever messages i've had before that are lost. Fucking irritating... BUT WAIT, that's not only it, my iTunes has also become a royal pain in the ass.. ever since Xin Yin came over to take some music files, now my search function and the new folders cannot be named nor search for anything not romanized or in English.. i.e I cannot type comprehensible Chinese or Japanese Characters in the iTunes Search function nor name my folders in Chinese or Japanese.. FUCKING IRRITATING. What's even more irritating? One... I had the whole computer scanned, even using the start up disc for it... Two... brought it to the shop to meet useless technical people with absolutely zero people skills, and who don't know what's wrong or how to fix the iTunes function.... hence wasting my time.. Three, Deleted the whole iTunes application, including my 4.32gb music.. and all for naught.. Nothing happened. It's still a fucking royal pain in the ass.... And now, I've to sit down here, and re add my 4gb of songs, and place them in folders written in English! An even more waste of my time! Fucking Irritating!! Thinking it was a key stroke or something, I searched through the short cute keys.. and it turned out fruitless.. Fuck it all!!! am going to email Xin Yin now, and asked her what did she press, if anything.. and try to figure it out from there.. I sure hope she remembers what she pressed! And also fuck the neighbour and their fleas, and the trouble they put me through, plus the flea bites I've acquired! -Oracl3- Labels: Rant
Edited.. sorry about me looping into the future.. and the spelling mistakes, and ermm.. I missed out about ranting about the cockroaches at Williams.. and ermm... yeah... I think that's it haha..Somehow I've got 4 papers cuts on 3 different fingers on my right hand, how, what, when, why? I've no idea.. but one of them hurts real bad... realised it once I was done cooking dinner... Absence from cyber world and blogging is due to Korean drama, and reality.. i.e. real life.. Been out quite a bit this week... that's why, as I've said.. it's never balanced.. it's either go out one shot, or stay home and rot... So yeah.. Friday, 10th October 2008, drove.. yes I drove.. to SS2 and seapark to buy somethings.. helped with dinner and some house chores, and it was badminton.. Didn't play that much this round.. was too tired.. Saturday 11th October 2008.... In the afternoon it was to Itallinies at Midvalley to celebrate Chelle's birthday.. Had a nice time catching up, chatting randomly about dogs.. and stuffing myself silly with pasta :p Happy birthday Chelle (well, whether it's early or late now haha) We had James, Mel, Me, Jin Fong, Vivian, Chelle and Xian Ai. We had Abby earlier on, but she left for class, it being a Saturday and all. And well, Maryln dropped by with Chelle's prezzie. At night was the MPO: Beethoven's Overture Egmont, Mendelssohn's concerto for 2 pianos and Brahms Symphony No. 1 in C minor (Op. 68) All popular pieces, and it was really nice.. People that went, were, me, Xian Ai, Xin Yin, Thomas, Wei Hao & Kevin..
Went to yum cha at Williams after that with Thomas And Kevin.. It was nice sitting down and chatting about our class last time haha Oh I forgot to mention. Someone let go something like a firework and OMG, COCKROACHES STARTED CRAWLING OUT OF THE DRAINS.. EEEEWWWW horrible.. and disgusting... the girls in the table next to us left.. but the guys were okay with it.. =.=' so yeah.. we stayed... Came home really tired.. but still.. didn't sleep early.. haha... Sunday 12th October 2008, Watched my Korean drama? Don't think I went out till at night, to Mel's church for a theatre.. sketches more like it, called "This crazy thing called love" by the footstools, KLPAC. Was really nice, and meaningful.. and might I add TRUE!!.. Thanks for inviting mel.. it was nice... though I must admit.. due to my tiredness I almost fell asleep at some point.. but I was awake for everything... I mean well.. at least I heard the whole performance haha.. Had a not very good night's sleep.. no thanks to the annoying fleas that resulted from my neighbour.. as precious sleeps in my room, he must have brought some with him up to my room.. and though he hasn't been sleeping on the bed since he has had his fleas.. they crawled onto my bed, and bit me!! sad.. spent a paranoid night.. and I caught 4 of them.. on my bed.. nuisance.. this fleas... neighbour down the road.. has also complained about the fleas.. sigh.... Monday... 13th October 2008.. what did I do... hmmm... sprayed my room, to kill whatever fleas was abound.. ahh lazed around and attended my high school's alumni meeting at night.. was feeding mosquitoes at Ming Tien.. =.=' According to one of the alumni members, who experienced the same flea problem thing.. it took her a month to get rid of all the fleas.. woe is me.. her house is a single storey.. mine is double storey, does that mean I will have to take double the amount?? But after spraying my room.. the constant flea check that precious has been put under came out negative for once.. so the spraying worked? Had a good night's sleep... 14th October 2008, i.e. today.. Went down to KLCC to collect my offer letter.. met up with Mel, Chi ming, Terence, and Joshua for lunch and went to watch a movie called... house bunny? not a bad show.. shall review it on Critically Acclaimed later when I'm free... After the movie, we headed back.. and Mel and I headed to Taylor's to waste one hour of our life on this Q&A thingie.. waste of time and petrol.. geh... and that's all for the updates the past few days... Oh and the retarded thing has been completed, within 7 hours, though it was spaced out... but I know how many hours cause of the episodes of my korean drama that I watched as I made it.. and apparently it doesn't look that retarded.. but cute.. I guess.. but oh well we will see.. *stay tuned to find out more* -Oracl3- Labels: Achievement, Amusing, Entertainment, Friends, Lifestyle, Movies, Precious, Random Rambling, Rant
OMG!! The retard-ness of it all.. =.=' I must admit.. my skills in this area must be lacking,or maybe it's because I'm watching my drama while doing this.. but.. it looks funny.. haha... Well, at least so far, it still looks somewhat like what it should look like.. haha oh well.. :p *stay tuned to know what I was talking about... in the next post...* -Oracl3- Labels: Random Rambling
The reason(s) for my procrastination?? Well, it's a mystery.. but lately.. I've been watching a Korean drama titled Song of a Prince/ Seo Dong Yo with my mum... [ it's like some Korean version of Romeo & Juliet.. it has 56 episodes.. so don't mind the long absence...] And with MSN being such a pain in the ass.. heavy thunderstorms threatening my modem.. Trying to sleep early and wake up early.. Hence, the lack of appearance in the cyber world.. Well, not like anyone is really looking for me =.=' Besides, if they really need me I'm a phone call away.... So no sweat... Ended up cooking dinner for the past 2 days with my mum... How did that come about?? Not that I really mind.. A chance to mess around in the kitchen before I start work?? :p Went to KLCC to get my tickets for the MPO this Saturday with "Grandson" Thomas.. Badminton game tomorrow? :p Points of interest- I may like the rain, but I despise the mosquitoes that come with it!!
- The flea collar we got for precious is redundant, it doesn't do its job. Precious still gets fleas on him.. no thanks to the neighbour's dogs next door?
- One of my neighbour dogs.. dubbed Spotty seems to have gone MIA.. wonder what happened to the dear old thing..
- Lately, I don't know why, but I've been in a mood to watch movies... and videos.. hmm~ revelling in my final days of freedom?
Before I sign off, a list for myself.. to remind myself of the list of things I ought to do and to STOP procrastinating!!- Sort pictures from 2006-2007 for developing
- Finish photo album with current pictures (Where the heck did I put the pictures??! Damn!)
- Translate the Ghost Hunt Manga Volume 10
Wash bathroom
tidy room... (Well only one corner is messy....)
Iron clothes....Tidy up cupboard...
- Practise musical instruments?
- Blog about my excursions etc.? Well, when I find the mood.. and time...
- Tidy up the "Work" room next door.. well after I'm done with it..
- ... Anything else I deem fit to enter into this entry.....
-Oracl3- Labels: Amusing, Compassion, Friends, Lifestyle, Music, Precious, Random Rambling, Rant, TV Shows
Edited 10th October 2008, 0053"In the beginning after God had created Man, seeing him so feeble, He gave Man the dog" -Alphonse Toussenel, Zoologist- (And thank God for that!!) 犬はあなたを愛してる.だって犬には、あなたしかいないのだから。 -The dog loves you. That's because it only has you-Title: いぬとわたしのじゅうのやくそく: 10 Promises to my dog I was watching this movie the other day [ It's a March 2008 release..], and never have I cried so hard for a movie, since watching Wind struck.. ( Maybe even harder).. But well, dog owners who love their dogs to bits would be able to connect to the show.. but steer clear, if dogs don't appeal to you, or if you don't fancy bawling your eyes out.. On another note.. the title of the movie was inspired by the book, 10 Commandments to dog ownership. And the 10 promises in the movie was really touching.. so here it is... 犬と私の10の約束- 一.私の話「はなし」を我慢[がまん]強「つよ」く聞「き」いて下さいね。
- -Please listen to me patiently-
- 二.私を信「しん」じて、私はいつもあなたの味方「みかた」です。
- -Trust me, I'm always on your side-
- 三.私とたくさん遊「あそ」んで。
- -Play with me a lot-
- 四.私にも心「こころ」があることを、忘「わす」れないで。
- -Don't ever forget that I've feelings too-
- 五.ケンカはやめようね、本気「ほんき」になったら私が勝「か」っちゃうよ!
- -Let's never fight, you never know, I might win when I'm serious!-
- 六.言「い」う事「こと」を聞「き」かない時「とき」は、理由「りゆう」があります。
- -If I don't listen to you, I have my reasons-
- 七.あなたは学校「がっこう」もあるし、友達「ともだち」もいるよね、でも私にはあなたしかいません。
- -You have your school and friends, but as for me, I only have you-
- 八.私が年「とし」をとっても仲良「なかよ」くして下さい。
- -Please stay my best friend even when I'm old-
- 九。私は十年「じゅうねん」くらいしか生「い」きられません、だから,一緒「いっしょ」にいる時間「じかん」を大切「たいせつ」にしようね。
- -I can only live for about ten years, so let's treasure every moment together-
最後「さいご」の約束は... - 十.あなたとすごした時間「じかん」を忘「わす」れません。私が死「し」ぬ時「とき」お願「ねが」いします、そばにいてね。
- -Never forget our time together. So when my time comes, please be by my side-
***** I found this off the net, it's a bit different, I guess that maybe it's because it's from the novel.. maybe..   There's one with translations, but it's not very accurate... in fact the translation sucks.. but I'm too lazy now to do it.. since I need to sleep, me being really tired.. maybe later I'll edit this post, and correct some of the translations..
Edit: Okay, here are the translations for the ones that are different from the ones I got from the movie.. Unless stated otherwise.. I find the translations totally off.. Just compare it yourself...
1.私と気長「きなが」につきあって下さい -Please have patience when you are with me-
2. 私を信じて下さい。それだけで私は幸せです。 -Please trust in me, that is my only happiness..-
3 & 4 is the same, and the translation for 4 is totally out, mine [above] is better.
5. 私にたくさん話しかけて下さい。人間の言葉「ことば」は話せないけど、わかったいます。 -Please talk a lot to me. I may not speak the Human language, but I do understand it-
6. 私をたたかないで。本気になったら私のほうが強いことを忘れない下さい。 -Don't fight with me. Please don't forget that when I'm serious I'm much stronger than you- (Same as above, but the wording in Japanese is different)
7. Is the same, I think.. I don't know what's that kanji after 年..
8. Is worded differently in Japanese, [slightly compared to the movie version] but it means the same.. and no.. there is no "entertainment & work" it just says, school and friends... =.=' though yes.. entertainment and work.. may be used.. where it applies...
9. 私は十年くらいしか生きられません.だから,できるだけ私と一緒にいてください。 -I can only live for about 10 years. So if it's possible, please stay by my side, always.-
10. 私が死ぬ時、お願いです。そばにいて下さい。そして、どうか覚「おぼ」えていて下さい。私がずっとあなたを愛していたことを。 -When my time comes, please be by my side. And somehow, please remember that I'll always love you-
Anyway I'll try to keep this ten promises to my precious as well :) And lucky for me, toy breeds, live for about 15 to 17 years.. So, cheers to a long life of companionship with me to precious!! -Oracl3- Labels: ✿私の気持✿, Appreciation, Compassion, Movies, Personal Thoughts, Precious, Random Rambling
Sigh... of all the interviews [ okay, that sounded like I've been to like a billion, but in actual fact, I've only been to four...] I've been too, they all gave me a speedy response, as to offering me a position.. but only today.. almost 3 weeks(?) later after that interview, they call me up, offering me a place?? I was like.. "ermm.. sorry, you guys were too late... " *cue song from Micheal learns to rock, 25 minutes to late...* Oh well, sad.. they were that nice firm that offered me a tour and a doughnut after my interview.. ( Maybe the offer was so late.. because I wasn't their first option.. even more sad... As I'd told them at the interview that I was still awaiting results?? The call I just got proved to me, that they are blur as the existance of the CLP results.... which have been out for at least 2 weeks... sigh...) Now I need to wait for the firm which offer I accepted to call me to go down to KL to sign the offer letter.. I'll give them till Friday? before calling them?? hmmm~ On a separate note.. this was the easiest turn down I've ever done... I've felt so guilt wrecked for having to turn down the other firms.. but not so guilty for this.. guess, it was because they were too slow.. as well..... :p ***** Before I sign off, a list for myself.. to remind myself of the list of things I ought to do and to stop procrastinating!!- Sort pictures from 2006-2007 for developing
- Finish photo album with current pictures
- Translate the Ghost Hunt Manga Volume 10
Wash bathroom
tidy room... (Well only one corner is messy....)
Iron clothes....Tidy up cupboard...
- Practise musical instruments?
- Blog? Well, when I find the mood.. and time...
- Tidy up the "Work" room next door.. well after I'm done with it..
- ... Anything else I deem fit to enter into this entry.....
-Oracl3- Labels: Amusing, Law, Personal Thoughts
二零零八年十月五日:月曜日 Woke up to Ccy's morning call for breakfast.. dragged my lazy ass out of bed, and prepared to get ready.. was really sleep deprived lately.. Ccy, gave me a grace period to get ready, before coming over... although he had the car.. I thought it better for us to be more economical, and environmental friendly to walk.. since I didn't know where else to go for breakfast except outside my area.. as the only thing going through my mind was "I need more sleep" Walked out, and decided at pure randomness? To have dim sum.... so we sat there and ate, and drank tea for almost and hour.. Ccy, said it was expensive.. I found it ok, what with the rise in prises and all.. Reccommended the dim sum at DJ to him.. After breakfast, walked back to my house, then he left, to come back in the evening to hand me a piano score of one of joe Hisaishi's works.. Played it, corrected Ccy, then poh mun came, and she sent him home... Then it was lazing around.. Lately, seems like I'm on some movie spree.. or more like DVD spree.. watched martian child, made of honour and kung fu panda recently... Maybe it's because we got a new DVD player.. so it's like hangat-hangat tahi ayam (fawning over the new stuff, only to get tired of it later?) Of the list I made for myself in the last post, some have been struck off.. so am slowly getting on with that list haha... List copied here, to remind me to continue working to strike off more stuff from the list!! 頑張ってね!自分て。。=.=' Before I sign off, a list for myself.. to remind myself of the list of things I ought to do and to stop procrastinating!!- Sort pictures from 2006-2007 for developing
- Finish photo album with current pictures
- Translate the Ghost Hunt Manga Volume 10
- Wash bathroom
tidy room... (Well only one corner is messy....)
Iron clothes....Tidy up cupboard...
- Practise musical instruments?
- Blog? Well, when I find the mood.. and time...
- Tidy up the "Work" room next door.. well after I'm done with it..
- ... Anything else I deem fit to enter into this entry.....
I still have no idea what's wrong with my itunes, search function.. maybe I ought to bring 白ちゃん to the shop... And I think my aduim (my messenger) or Maxis is a retard.. to get on MSN now I've to use meebo.. such is my life..sigh... -Oracl3- Labels: Food, Friends, Movies, Random Rambling
Okay, the title does have some relevance, which will be said later. As for now.. A little update.. 二零零八年十月三日:金曜日- あの人の誕生日、たっく、どうして彼はまで忘れないだ?!
- Woke up, and for once... in months? :p Did some house chores... Hand washed some of my new working clothes, did the laundry changed the bed sheets etc.. And being the genius I miraculiously am... Somehow, stretched my left thigh muscle... Slight pain.. =.='
- Went for my second badminton game today, again, it was from 9-11pm at Puay Chai. Cheese had gone for a holiday so he didn't join us, but grandson Thomas did. We had 9 people today, i.e me, Xian Ai, Xin Yin, Mel, Xian Qing, Kevin, Wei Hao, Thomas, & Wai Mun, so I think it was good that it's the holidays and the courts were quite free..
We paid for one court but used two haha.. It was fun, but I got trashed being the noob that I was.. I and a few others were terribly bullied, as the game started to move to a higher level.. But fun nevertheless.. Got praised that my badminton improved from last week (^.^) and well hope to improve more from now on. Good news is... I only had some slight muscle pains.. Mostly due to aforementioned thigh..
- After badminton, went for yum cha at the so called, open air mamak at SS2. I managed to find a comrade who doesn't think that it's a mamak too.. haha.. Wei Hao was on the same wave length...
- Sat and chatted for a bit, and although I had followed Xian Ai to the badminton court, I followed Wei Hao home as I had to show him where the mamak was, and since my stuff was in his car, so he sent me home.
- The journey home was interesting, as he made a deviation.... The last time he sent me home as well.. We made a slight detour at the playground near my area.. but this round.. ahh.. It was amusing... haha.. we detoured at SS2... and us both being lost souls... joker.. makan angin really...
- Got home, showered and everything and went to bed by 2 something..
二零零八年十月四日:土曜日- Woke up at 10 to the alarm, and snoozed it.. and got an sms from my cousin, Ling at 1015, asking me to chose which cinema did I want to watch our movie in.. Chose the new wing.. and woke up to get ready... Realised, that I didn't have any actual muscle pains from last night's game! (^.^)
- Parents came along to the movies.. what did we watch? Mama Mia.. really wonderful movie.. did a review for it on CA so, do check it out..
- Before the movie started as we had about 30 minutes to spare, Ling & I headed to the arcade, and played a game of Daytona and some shooting game.. It was really hot in the arcade.. In fact the whole of BU felt hot. . Either they were trying to be:-
a) Economical; or b) Environmental Friendly; or c) There were too many humans, and they didn't want to turn up the aircon due to aforesaid reasons... or d) There were too many humans, and their aircon was retarded, and so they couldn't turn it up... I don't know you pick and chose.. It was fun, playing all the games though.. - After the movie, we walked a bit, before settling down in Mcdonalds, with a cup of coke, a Roti Boy Bun (not for me.. I'm afraid of that stuff) and a sour cream and onion pretzel from Aunt Anne's... I later dug into a Chicken burger, before being joined by my Aunt and other cousin Yen Ping [both being the mother and sister of Ling]. Since my aunt was there, I called up my parents to join us as well.. so chatted. Bought a box of sushi, and ate somemore.. Although, by all honesty I actually already felt full...
- I think there's something wrong with my body's system? After the pretzel and the burger.. I was definitely full, yet I couldn't stop myself from eating the sushi.. making my stomach bloat up, and I felt like I was 3 months pregnant.. =.='
- I think the badminton game has lost it's purpose.. since I seem to eat back double the amount that I've [hopefully] burnt... [I mean I eat at the mamak too!!]
- After that separated from aunt and cousins, and bought some table mats.. cute, delicious looking ones and headed home..
- Got home, walked precious, and checked mail etc.. before dinner..
- After dinner, discovered.. more fleas on precious!! Now I'm getting to the reason of the title..
Caught like 4 fleas off him.. and decided that I should sweep my room, as he spends most of his time there.. Last week there was a multitude of ticks, and today as well.. So Miss Sherlock Sayaka here got on her knees and begin the elimination process... - Swept room, to discover that Precious's bed, which was under my bed, had ticks on it.. 3 of them, and one on the floor, committed sinful murder... before having the whole house throughly swept, with the aid of my dad...
- Discovered 2 more fleas in the living room... The plot thickens... found one more on the curtain next to the door.... The mystery is thus solved, with the detective's suspicions confirmed...
- The detective and her trusty sidekick thus head outside to stare at the wall, adjoining with our neighbours.. to discover.. a wall full of fleas!!!
- Spent two hours, feeding mosquitos and committing more acts of horrendous murder.. death by burning... [read that as ridding the wall of the ticks as much as possible..] Dad and I got a real good work out.. And the poor wall, looks black in some places it got burnt.. and the wax.. on the floor & all.. Sigh...
- Caught my neighbour returning home, and informed her in a diplomatic manner that the fleas were a nuisance, to which acquired and apology.. but these flea business.. we can't really blame anyone... I mean honestly, they've been taking better care of their dogs... or so I hope...
- Well, mystery was solved.. Fleas cleaned up as much as possible.. had a nice good work out, and donated some blood to the pesky mosquitoes.. Retired into the house, and had a shower... and am now... doing this...
And that's how I spent my last two days.. I'll have to try and sleep early tonight as Ccy has arranged a breakfast date with me tomorrow morning.. Before I sign off, a list for myself.. to remind myself of the list of things I ought to do and to stop procrastinating!!- Sort pictures from 2006-2007 for developing
- Finish photo album with current pictures
- Translate the Ghost Hunt Manga Volume 10
- Wash bathroom and
tidy room... (Well only one corner is messy....)
Iron clothes....Tidy up cupboard...
- Practise musical instruments?
- Blog? Well, when I find the mood.. and time...
- Tidy up the "Work" room next door.. well after I'm done with it..
- ... Anything else I deem fit to enter into this entry.....
-Oracl3- Labels: Achievement, Critically Acclaimed, Family, Friends, Lifestyle, Movies, Precious, Random Rambling, Rant
50 things about you! 1. How tall are you barefoot? 5'6? I think.. maybe... how much is 163cm in feet? I wanna grow another 5 inches.. but sigh.. sadly... okay 5 inches is too much.. how bout 2 & a half inches? or at least 5 centimetres more??? 2. Have you ever smoked pot? Nope.. Never will, hate the stuff... ermm wait unless you count second hand.. cause when I was in Reading, then I smoked it a lot, no thanks to my neighbour... 3. Do you own a gun? Plastic counts? 4. Who's your best friend? Best friend? Man's best friend? Well, best friends know who they/he/she/it are.... 5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"? No such experience, and no to friend's parents as well... 6. What do hot dogs make you think of? Dachshunds? 7. What's your favorite Christmas song? Ermm, Jingle bell, bat man smells? haha 8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Tea, to wake me up... 9. Can you do push ups? Yeap, and I do them guy style, not girl style.. what's with the knees and all? 10. Do you consider Pluto a planet? Honestly, I've never been there, so I don't know anything besides those reported by those NASA people.. so if they say it's a planet it's a planet, if it's not a planet, then it's not... Besides, who made the definition for planets? If I say anything bigger than 10 km in diameter is a planet, then it's a planet right?? or wrong??? 11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Hmm.. Don't really wear any.. ermm.. Earrings, rings and necklaces? Preferable made out of pure metal, so that I won't get allergic, and also so that I don't have to keep taking them on and off, but I can just continue wearing them?? Well, yeah.. I'm lazy... 12. Do you like painkillers? Like painkillers? If only they don't kill my liver... 13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Ermm.. do I even have one? Well, someone once told me.. my smile was attractive? and some said confidence is important? I don't know.... 14. Do you own a knife? Ermm.. Pen knife? Kitchen Knife??? 15. Do you have A.D.D? Errr.. Don't think so.. maybe.. haha 16. Middle Name? Wei... 17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. I want to sleep, But can't due to the tea, and am therefore sitting here doing this... 19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, Tea... ermm... milk? 20. What time did you wake up today? 1015 am.. had to meet my cousin to catch a movie :) 22. Current worry? None that I can think of.. ermm.. maybe the pile of clothes I need to iron, the room and bathroom I need to clean.. The manga I have yet to translate.. The fleas from the neighbouring dogs... 23. Current hate? Errmmm.. inconsiderate humans 24. Favourite place to be? Home is where the heart is... 25. Least favorite place to be? Prison, Hell... 26. Where would you like to go? Japan, UK 27. Do you own slippers? yeah... 2 pairs... 28. What shirt are you wearing? Some tube top from Scarlet? 29. Do you burn or tan? Tan... I guess that's good haha... 30. Favorite color(s)? White, Silver, Blue, etc. Too lazy to mention... 31. Would you be a pirate? That would be fun!! Though.. I think reckless killing would be out.. and ermm.. robbing poor people would be out.. Can I be a sort of Robin Hood Pirate?? 32. Favourite alcoholic drink you've had? Sherry, Magarita, Baileys.... Schmirnoff ICE [Think that's how you spell it] 33. What is the last song you listened to? Sunny Day, by Manami Konishi... The ending song of the movie Accuracy of Death... 34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Ghosts... 35. What's in your pockets right now? O2, Co2, N, .... Well, just air... 36. What's your natural hair color? Dark brown gua.... or black le... 37. Best bed sheets you had as a child? Errr.... 38. Worst injury you've ever had? Torn Ligament... 40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3... but we usually use 2? but I don't really use them at all... 41. Who is your loudest friend? Ermm.. friend? ermm.. They are all so quiet.. compared to me that is.. ermmm... Well the loudest person I know to date is, Fung Chuan....?? 42. Who is your most silent friend? Errr..... Cheese?? Maybe... 43. Does someone have a crush on you? Ermm.. do people publicly declare crushes?? But yeah.. I think maybe... there's one.. or two.. maybe.. does my precious count? oh wait.. he loves his mama haha... But heck, how would I know.. People don't wear a sleeve on them saying.. I've a crush on so & so.. haha.. besides I'm so blur... I don't get things like that haha 44. Do you wish on shooting stars? Never seen one in my life................ Yet... 45. What is your favorite book? Ermm.. quite a number to mention.. just check my profile haha 46. What is your favorite candy? I don't think I have one... Not really a fan of sweets... but there is this one Japanese Sweet that I like.. called ふくの餅/fuku no mochi.. 47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding Holst's Jupiter (The Planets)? it's a classical piece.. Cause I think Bach's Air on G string has been over used... 48. What song do you want played at your funeral? The journey to the west, from joe hisashi, played in もののけ姫/Princess Mononoke.. I blame Tokien?? haha.. or Dvořák: Symphony #9 In E Minor, B 178, "From The New World" - Largo 2nd Movement is fine too.. 49. What were you doing at 12:00 AM last night? Chatting at the mamak with Xin Yin, Wei Hao, Kevin Wong, Xian Ai, Thomas, Mel, Xian Qing [Xian Ai's sister] 50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? When I woke up today? ermm.. "Gah.. 5 more minutes..."
I know I've other things to post about.. but lacked mood.. so well.. there we have it.. Did a review on Mamma Mia the movie, check post below for link...
Labels: Just For Fun
I suspect that my adium's inability to connect my MSN is probably due to my internet connection. Because when I was in my home town, it worked just fine.... And to cheese, Enjoy your trip!! :) And to all Muslims, Selamat Hari Raya! :) -Oracl3- Labels: Random Rambling
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