✿ 未来が見える : Flow© ✿

The smooth surface, Almost mirror like, Watching it unknowingly, I entered its flow, Unconsciously submerged by it, Fighting to grasp the sky, Before being pulled down again, Following it’s flow, Unable to turn back, The road is set; I shall head to sea, Can you see the future? It’s unpredictable ✿Oracl3✿

Thursday, October 09, 2008


Edited 10th October 2008, 0053
"In the beginning after God had created Man, seeing him so feeble, He gave Man the dog" -Alphonse Toussenel, Zoologist-
(And thank God for that!!)

-The dog loves you. That's because it only has you-

Title: いぬとわたしのじゅうのやくそく: 10 Promises to my dog

I was watching this movie the other day [It's a March 2008 release..], and never have I cried so hard for a movie, since watching Wind struck.. (Maybe even harder).. But well, dog owners who love their dogs to bits would be able to connect to the show.. but steer clear, if dogs don't appeal to you, or if you don't fancy bawling your eyes out..

On another note.. the title of the movie was inspired by the book, 10 Commandments to dog ownership. And the 10 promises in the movie was really touching.. so here it is...


  • 一.私の話「はなし」を我慢[がまん]強「つよ」く聞「き」いて下さいね。
  • -Please listen to me patiently-
  • 二.私を信「しん」じて、私はいつもあなたの味方「みかた」です
  • -Trust me, I'm always on your side-
  • 三.私とたくさん遊「あそ」んで。
  • -Play with me a lot-
  • 四.私にも心「こころ」があることを、忘「わす」れないで
  • -Don't ever forget that I've feelings too-
  • 五.ケンカはやめようね、本気「ほんき」になったら私が勝「か」っちゃうよ!
  • -Let's never fight, you never know, I might win when I'm serious!-
  • 六.言「い」う事「こと」を聞「き」かない時「とき」は、理由「りゆう」があります。
  • -If I don't listen to you, I have my reasons-
  • 七.あなたは学校「がっこう」もあるし、友達「ともだち」もいるよね、でも私にはあなたしかいません。
  • -You have your school and friends, but as for me, I only have you-
  • 八.私が年「とし」をとっても仲良「なかよ」くして下さい。
  • -Please stay my best friend even when I'm old-
  • 九。私は十年「じゅうねん」くらいしか生「い」きられません、だから,一緒「いっしょ」にいる時間「じかん」を大切「たいせつ」にしようね
  • -I can only live for about ten years, so let's treasure every moment together-
  • 十.あなたとすごした時間「じかん」を忘「わす」れません。私が死「し」ぬ時「とき」お願「ねが」いします、そばにいてね。
  • -Never forget our time together. So when my time comes, please be by my side-
I found this off the net, it's a bit different, I guess that maybe it's because it's from the novel.. maybe..

There's one with translations, but it's not very accurate... in fact the translation sucks.. but I'm too lazy now to do it.. since I need to sleep, me being really tired.. maybe later I'll edit this post, and correct some of the translations..

Edit: Okay, here are the translations for the ones that are different from the ones I got from the movie.. Unless stated otherwise.. I find the translations totally off.. Just compare it yourself...

-Please have patience when you are with me-

2. 私を信じて下さい。それだけで私は幸せです。
-Please trust in me, that is my only happiness..-

3 & 4 is the same, and the translation for 4 is totally out, mine [above] is better.

5. 私にたくさん話しかけて下さい。人間の言葉「ことば」は話せないけど、わかったいます。
-Please talk a lot to me. I may not speak the Human language, but I do understand it-

6. 私をたたかないで。本気になったら私のほうが強いことを忘れない下さい。
-Don't fight with me. Please don't forget that when I'm serious I'm much stronger than you-
(Same as above, but the wording in Japanese is different)

7. Is the same, I think.. I don't know what's that kanji after 年..

8. Is worded differently in Japanese, [slightly compared to the movie version] but it means the same.. and no.. there is no "entertainment & work" it just says, school and friends... =.=' though yes.. entertainment and work.. may be used.. where it applies...

9. 私は十年くらいしか生きられません.だから,できるだけ私と一緒にいてください。
-I can only live for about 10 years. So if it's possible, please stay by my side, always.-

10. 私が死ぬ時、お願いです。そばにいて下さい。そして、どうか覚「おぼ」えていて下さい。私がずっとあなたを愛していたことを。
-When my time comes, please be by my side. And somehow, please remember that I'll always love you-

Anyway I'll try to keep this ten promises to my precious as well :) And lucky for me, toy breeds, live for about 15 to 17 years.. So, cheers to a long life of companionship with me to precious!!


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