はい,はい すいませんでした私は最近にとても忙しだから。。。と。。
What do I have to show for disappearing off cyber earth for almost a month???!!! Absolutely nothing... ahhaha..... [
sorry, my head has been killing me the whole day.... forgive me for this moment of insanity...]
Well besides being busy, [
sorry for such and old excuse, but I don't have any novel ideas when it comes to excuses as to why I haven't been posting, cause I rather not lie but tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth....] it's the usual old excuse, which I've said so many times we are all sick of it, so I shall spare us all by
not explicitly stating it, but just implying it.. You know where I'm getting at...
Okay moving on... I passed my ethics exam..... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't even a little tiny bit worried.. cause I wasn't.. [
haha gotcha.. hahha]
I totally forgot about it, if my colleague didn't keep asking me how are our results and if we've passed or something.. I totally forgot I took that test till I get reminded.. I'm sad, I know.. but well, seems like at least one person was having expectations on me passing it in the first round.... [
so, okay was a little worried because of that looming expectation...]
Anyway, called parents to inform them bout the result, came home and went out with parents for dinner to celebrate... Japanese food.... at the usual restaurant.... [
yes, a lot of things are being implied in this post.. it's all the "you know what" & "you know where" plus the "you know who" wherever applicable....]
So yes.... work... and you know what [
it starts with the D word.. if you are having difficulty guessing, cause I know I am.. and I'm the author of this post.. yes, I'm sad x2.. sigh]..
and ermm... well work?
Oh, speaking of Japanese, we had a meeting today with some Japanese clients.. They were funny and nice [
....and cute too?? in their manner of joking with each other that is... don't misunderstand =.='], and gave us a box of chocolates as a souvenir/おみあげ [
if that's how they spell it].. 本当にありがとうございましたババさん!!
I have yet to share it with the other chambies, because they seemed so busy, and the meeting ended quite late.... So I guess tomorrow I will open it, when everyone is there.... XD
well actually i've an ulcer, which refuses to heal.. sigh.. and am supposedly supposed to lay off these "heaty" stuff.. sign =.=']
Haven't managed to tell my master personally that I passed, he was really x3 busy today.. so I didn't want to intrude... shall tell him when I can... :p
ermm what else..?? I know the country's political scene is as exciting as ever, but... ermm.. well, you know..
And yeah, spent the whole day tortured by one stupid headache, and I meant the whole day.. no joke.. such torture!!
so am gonna pop some paracetomol now and hit the sack, and hopefully am much better tomorrow....
That's my update for now.. till next time, when i find.... well.. oh, you know what I've to find to post......
Labels: ✿私の気持✿, Amusing, Appreciation, Family, Food, Ill, Lifestyle, 仕事ージェイ●エル●ピ●ダバルイ