also, i may not have been doing your work, but believe it or not, i was still working on the road, using my own phone bill.. 400 km away from the office and i'm still working! i am so going to claim from the office!
increase my pay first before you talk so much!
i was reviewing documents and checking the law on my phone, and advising my colleague on what to reply to the client.... so, saying i can't up and go like that... if i happened to be hospitalised (touch wood), what are you going to do?? is there no one else that can do my work? sheesh not like you can't replace me right? well brace yourself, with this type of attitude and monkey pay, don't expect me to stick around long.. start looking for a replacement dude!
irritating me seems to be your forte
Labels: Anger, Rant, 仕事ージェイ●エル●ピ●ダバルイ