✿ 未来が見える : Flow© ✿

The smooth surface, Almost mirror like, Watching it unknowingly, I entered its flow, Unconsciously submerged by it, Fighting to grasp the sky, Before being pulled down again, Following it’s flow, Unable to turn back, The road is set; I shall head to sea, Can you see the future? It’s unpredictable ✿Oracl3✿

Monday, September 15, 2008

Busy, busy bee

Yes, the title says it all...

Before I head on to the reason of this post, let me just say that in less than 5 hours my brother has to fly back to Brisbane.. so have a safe flight bro and see you again next year.. or well.. in the next few months.. or, whenever you have money to come home and can take leave from work... It's been fun having you here hogging the dog and everything.... And thanks for all the stuff from Japan.. I love it, and I would write that in Japanese, but unfortunately I can't because this computer doesn't have such a function.. but I digress, back to the topic....

I'm expected to be busy this week... Expected... Not like I wasn't last week... Anyway....

Reasons.. . ermmm, interviews coming up? some events with friends? A supposedly planned badminton game coming up? Yes, supposedly, because if there's no court on Wednesday, they will play on Friday.... and well this Friday there is a festival at IMU which I've promised to attend..... and well, yeah interviews.... We'll see how it goes, am tired and well, just really tired now...

Jittery bout the interview? Well, not yet, maybe not..I tried preparing based on this book Xian Ai was kind enough to loan me.... About questions they would usually ask and all... I guess I'm okay for those?

I'm quite confident a person, unless they start asking me law stuff, like what procedure should one do to get an injunction.. I'll just have to honestly answer, I'm not sure.. but I think an ex parte application supported by an affidavit...

(reason being.. when I was studying.. that came up so many times, for almost everything... :p haha)

On another note.. it's been more than a week.. one week and 3 days, since it's now Monday, 139am.. and Shiro chan is still no where in sight.. am getting depressed over that fact, not depressed, despressed, but just depressed.... You know when people say there are happy people, and than, there are happy people? Well, I'm the former, but you get my drift....

I think after my interview tomorrow.. I shall call the shop.. I can't continue living like this.. I need Shiro chan.. I have a ton of manga I want to download, I want to listen to my classical music, I want to translate manga, I need to download at least 5 episodes of anime, and that number keeps increasing.. and I want.... I want... I just want Shiro back!!... Sigh....

Interviews... Wish me luck...


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At 10:58 pm GMT+9 , Blogger chelle said...

how did the interviews go???


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Its light is dimmed, The abandoned star, Fighting on, To shine once more, Reaching out to brighter lights, To place it back on the stage once more, To once again be the star she was, The path is rough, But she will make it there. Can you see the future? It’s unpredictable…
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