"What matters most is the thought, that's what really counts" -サヤカ-Title: ことし、わたしのおたんじょうび [
Okay, it's that time of the year... it only happens once a year... and the great actual occurrence [i almost used the word tragedy...=.='] happened 22 years ago.. yes, the day i was born, all wailing, slimy.. soaked.. into this world.. to reign
All right! Enough with the drama... as some of you may have noticed from the previous post.. i don't seem to be able to use my onion head emoticons any more... why? beats the hell out of me.. ccy's theory is that the guy whom what the inhabitants of livejournal would claim.. that i was hotlinking [the act of taking other's links for your own.. but i don't have my own photobucket account =.='] from his photobucket account, has exceeded it's usage, and the guy didn't pay to upgrade or whatever..... [do you even understand what i just said..? i don't think i really understand it myself =.=' anyway...]
well, after my exams, i will do something about it.. so wait till after july, i bet none of you would miss it anyway.. since i got complaints about it, when i started using it haha... ermm.. oh yes, back to the post...
for those who have been eagerly awaiting my updates... are you blind???!! i'm on hiatus..!! [well attempted hiatus <-- clicky, click..] well, yes... but i was at least considering updating about my birthday, before going full scale on hiatus... i have a few things to blog about, and some things to cross blog on Generation Lim, so i thought that since i would have to blog on two blogs, those can wait till after my exams..
okay, okay.. i'll try to stop straying... dang.. it's not my fault that i'm easily distracted.. speaking of which, just yesterday i went to mel's church as she had this musical performance.. as usual, her choir was beautiful, and they served a delicious dinner too.. we sang some hymns, sat through a sermon, and enjoyed a drama on Sol of Tarsus, and his transformation into Paul...
All right, all right.. sorry... i will get down to the purpose of this post.. now..
where was i... oh.. yes, my birthday.. well, what can i say? it's the month of June.. the usual time where Malaysians love to have exams.. so we are busy studying/ going through exams, and have no mood to go out to celebrate... or no time.. or no transport.. but i digress...
the earliest to wish me happy birthday this year.. was Cheese@ Chi Ming.. well, i didn't really suspect it or what, but sort of suspected, if you get my drift.. sorry, i'm being contradicting.. but that's just me... but well, cheese couldn't beat my parents who bought me a pair of sandals for my birthday? well they said it was for my birthday.. but birthday or not.. i still needed a pair... but oh well...
okay.. so on the 17th of June.. Cheese came along to my place apparently to give me my fix of anime.. since i
spent aeons deliberating on which cake to take... i found the peach cake appealing.. but it was fat free.. [much to a few readers chagrin, i bet.. fat free stuff doesn't taste as nice as the real stuff.. that's why i had to think for so long.. but it turned out quite tasty, so it's fine ;p] and well, we got a slice a cake.. and suddenly cheese took out a candle, stuck it in the cake.. lighted it with his weird car key lighter thingie.. and sang me happy birthday for the whole shop to hear.. haha
well, it was funny.. but if i was fair.. i think my face would have been red that time haha.. so we had a nice chat.. usually cheese is so quiet... o_O' haha.. well.. he has his talkative moods.. keke.. so chatted, then it was time for him to go home, after giving me my present.. [the picture of it is below.. well not to mention.. cause i was sort of unsuspecting, i didn't bring a camera.. or well, we could have used our mobiles to take a picture of the cake.... =.=']
and life went on as usual... on the actual day itself.. i went to class to be greeted by the girls.. [Mel & xian ai] with a coffee bean paper bag, containing my present [also displayed below, well the picture of it..] and a cheese cake.. [again, no pictures of the cake.. sigh...] well, it was class then.. so nothing out of the ordinary haha... the usual.. when we went for lunch, Vivian offered to pay for my Chapati [yummy] as a sort of birthday gift? haha :p
a few days before that, when my mom asked me what i wanted for my birthday dinner i told her korean bbq... she said.. it was pricey.. but nevertheless... considerable.. and on the night of my birthday.. well, i came back from a gruelling class.. and was tired.. so by the time we headed out for dinner it was kind of late.. about 8pm when we left the house.. and we headed to ss2 for the korean barbeque.. so yummy :) [and they say a picture says a 1000 words :p] -->
after dinner we headed to cake sense near my place and got this... -->
and after that.. here we have the displayable/non edible presents that i got this year... -->
[well, i'm not exactly the easiest person to buy presents for? haha my tastes are too high class keke..]
next up, we have the present from cheese... a small stuff toy doggie [supposed to resemble my precious??] in a vase with 100 origami birds... i can't believe he spent almost 17 hours on them.. but they were very nicely folded :) pretty!! question remains.. where in my clutter filled room, should i place it.. even the set of 5 mashimaros haven't found their place o_O' [well, i'll figure it out after exams..]
and the last one.. though it's edible and already in my stomach haha.. i just got it today [after i was done with this post..] :p well 15 minutes ago to be exact :p
and well, that's it so far... for this birthday.. most of the friends i celebrate with are overseas.. but everyone sent their wishes through facebook, msn and what not... so thank you everyone.. for all the online wishes..
thanks for the lunch Vivian, thanks for the presents Mel, Xian Ai and Chi Ming...
Thanks for the pau ccy...
thanks Sis & Michelle for sending me birthday cards from your corner of the globe. [and oh, sis still owes me presents hehe]
and ohya, thanks to mel, xian ai and ccy for their cards too..
thanks again sis & bro for the smses.. and my two cousins.. [whom sadly, forgot my birthday till later.. sob~ sob.. haha just pulling their legs.. :p]
that's all for now.. it's time again.. to hit the books.. [or try to hit..] wasted so much time on this post liao.. why must we have exams?? sigh.. [i don't mind studying, but to be more specific, i don't like studying for exams!!]
“For someone who doesn’t even try, and keeps running away, nothing will change”* I guess, i've to stop running away from facing exams.. sigh.. 5 more days till the mock exam.. MUST STUDY!!
Labels: Appreciation, Birthdays, Family, Food, Friends
zannen datta ne sayaka chan.. kotoshi , watashi wa mareshia ni inakatta. =(
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