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Monday, March 26, 2007

what is in a name? my japanese name...

"A rose by any other name, smells just as sweet..."


while taking a break from my essay, i decided to look up my name in japanese...and found something... well not to say it's disturbing.... errmm anyway, a new realisation? can't find the right word to place my finger on... entertaining maybe?? :p

as most of you all know i have been using the name sayaka for quite some time...a few years infact, sayaka is actually my middle chinese name ie the 慧, meaning wise.. translated into japanese... i've been suffering from a misunderstanding for years.... i always thought it was my last name translated....

oh well, as sherlock holmes said.. *I confess that I have been as blind as a mole, but it is better to learn wisdom late than never to learn it at all.*

at the moment i can't seem to be able to find my last name, 珊, to be able to translate it into japanese, my name 珊 means choral, or so i was told, and i still can't find it... unless my name actually means, stagger, loneliness or centimetre... i don't think i can find my name ==..
this is the word tat i managed to look up... my name is this (this is the old writing of shan, the japanese kanji uses the old writing... i can't seems to find any other shan that looks like my name) don't they just look a like???

so means actually my name is not choral but loneliness??? maybe tats y i'm always alone... so adding in my middle name which means wise... i am a wise loner??? or maybe a wise stagger?? or wise centimetre?? O_olll i demand a name change la like tat hahaha... :p haha but i had asked a few people before and they did say that my name means choral.. (when you put it with another word.. which i will explain below.. it seems that the word alone has no meaning. but i got the meaning for it from the website...contradicting haha. anyway, back to the point) i mean who would name their kid loneliness?? unless they think it sounds cool...

also it looks like, that word can't exist on it's own, it should be put with another word... apparently when put together with this word 瑚, pronounced as "go" making it 珊瑚、read as sango, it means choral but the word on its own means "ancestral offering receptacle" har, a space for your ancestral offering???!! O_o' OMG.. ahh the amazing thing about Chinese.. haha

putting both words together ie the sango together it would literally mean, loneliness/staggering/centimetre ancestral offering receptacle???? this is OMFG already lor haha.... but tell me, those people who were educated in Chinese cause i wasn't, do those two words together REALLY , REALLY ,mean choral? cause it's a shock to my system to discover that i grew up for 2o years and 9 months believing that my name is choral, when it actually means, "stagger/lonliness /centimetre" , in which my name will be pronounced as san, that is the onyomi, meaning chinese pronunciation? i m not so sure myself, the kunyomi.. meaning the japanese reading of the character will be senchi/sanchi... so what is my name???

sayaka san? or sayaka senchi? or sayaka sanchi? it all sounds weird.. imagine calling me with honorifics.. sayaka san san/chan???? OMG!!! sayaka senchi san???? wtf?? sayaka sanchi san ??? damn... ahhaa i think i will stick to my Chinese name of 慧珊.. or just please call me シンヂ hahaha...

anyway for the time being, i shall stick to to the belief that my name is choral, i have faith in my parents haha.. i am still the "wise choral".... hahah wise choral.. whoever heard of a choral being wise? hahah guess i shouldn't take the literal translations so seriously, but it is amusing... :p but if u really look at the significance of the word choral, you can get a lot of things from it, like characteristics of the choral, that they take time to slowly form, are easily damaged, are beautiful etc etc.... but let's move on... :p

anyway as for my family name 張.. i ve looked up the meaning for it, and it means :
lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent)

well usually surnames don't make much sense anyway. if you go back to ancient times as to how surnames came along.. that is another long story though..

now for this one it is a tad weird.. there are a few ways to pronounce it..
1. ei (e as in eh, i as in the letter e.. )
2. ga
3, kin
4. zan
5. jiyan
6. jiyon
7. jin
8. sun (pronounced as soon)
9. chian
10. chiongu (this one sounds like how we all pronounce it.. == chi-o-n-gu, ermm i don't know how to teach you pronunciation here)
11. chan (again imagine honorific with it.. chan sayaka... chan?? )
12. chiyau
13. chiyan
14. cho
15. chou
16. tsuan
17. hara
18. hari

of all 18 i've only heard number 17 being used as a family name, from the anime ghost hunt, a character called hara masako, having watched countless dramas, and anime, i ve never heard of any other of those words used as a family name... so here is my full name in japanese haha... :p

1. ei sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
2. ga sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
3, kin sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
4. zan sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
5. jiyan sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
6. jiyon sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
7. jin sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
8. sun sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
9. chian sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
10. chiongu sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
11. chan sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
12. chiyau sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
13. chiyan sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
14. cho sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
15. chou sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
16. tsuan sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
17. hara sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi
18. hari sayaka senchi/ sayaka san/sayaka sanchi

ok time to cut down to my preferences of this amusing post..
for the surnames... as i've said before, the only one i ever heard of is hara, (though hari sounds familiar...must be because of my malay education were hari means day in malay)

so what? hara sayaka ... ? (lazy to type in the san/senchi/sanchi, fill in the "..." with your own preference...)
usually the surnames that i hear are at least three syllables long, but that's because the surname isn't only one word, it's at least 2 words... maybe can make it cool like, hara no sayaka... haha..

also there are 3 ways to call my given names, and cutting down, sayaka san.. i guess it is out.. cause imagine calling me with honourifcs.. sayaka san san.. ==

sayaka sanchi?? just sounds plain weird

sayaka senchi, is just as weird... though weird i think sayaka san sounds the best.. so you can call me hara sayaka san.. though sayaka will be just fine.. :p hahah

*end of this weird time consuming post.. back to the essay....*


courtesy of ccy :) he has helped me clear up some things about my name :) he told me through msn; edited to fit the blog :p

the old is today's 珊, it's the same word

doesn't have to go with 珊瑚. it doesn't mean choral....

has alot of other meanings.

has been used as a girl's name since long long time ago.

imagine a girl in the olden days wearing those traditional clothes with a jed hanging on the belt...then when she walks the jed makes the sound with the clothing (sha, sha kind of sound apparently..)

the word, 珊珊 is used to describe this sound.

another meaning of 珊珊 can be: relaxing, light, wonderful, kawaii [cute] kind.

some even match 珊珊 with
可爱 means beautiful and cute..

ref: chinese dictionary.


thanks ccy!! Muaxz.. i guess since it orginated from chinese we shall stick to chinese..

but refer to these sites on how i got my lonilness, staggering stuff...

following this link, in japanese names, it looks like my shan just can't appear on it's own ahahha ..

therefore i am hara sayaka san. and no san is not a honourific but you can just call me sayaka, :) heheh


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