(in this picture, nick, huey n gene)
so..... we sang.....
(in this picture, me, huey and gene)
i was too lazy to tilt the picture, so tilt your head la.. it's only one or two pictures which are like this, the rest are the correct way up.. i purposely chose those pictures because they are the proper way up :p
(nicholas multitasking?? or broadcasting his conversation muahhaha)
no wonder there were heavy rains and floods in malaysia.. i on behalf of the other 3 singers (only those 3, i'm not included, my voice is as sweet as a nigthingale muahahha :p ) apologise for their "horrendous" singing.. muahahha (well we did sing quite well for a few songs :p)
i will also state that i m not responsible for any eyes which have fallen out of their heads due to over rolling after reading the comment on this picture hahah :p
-Oracl3- : nicholas.. for being the birthday boy, you get a whole cup of teh tarik to yourself, see i'm so nice... haha but you have to finish it within..... 5.........
seconds... muahahhha or pay for everyone muahahha *evil laughter* >:)
nicholas: == WAH!! die lor.. i don't want to drink teh tarik for my entire life liao :p
*dailouge was just made up cause miss -Oracl3- is in a crappy mood now since she just woke up, and since some idiot set of the fire alarm at 230am distrubing her sleep*
(just crapping, i can't remember my criminal law anymore haha)
* again dailouge was made up, for the same reason as above, but nick really looks like he is giving that kind or "the cake is mine!!" aura now with his evil laughter face muahahha
well that's all for now..
i was supposed to call home but i overslept..
two reasons why i over slept..
one - i slept at 12am cause i was studying my medical law, i have a seminar on monday, group work.. cause it's group work i have to study.. sigh..
two.. - some idiotic ass turned on the god damned freaking fire alarm at 230 am in the morning.. what was the guy thinking? take a guess, here is mine, i don't know who the ass is, so i m just guessing what made him trigger or turn on the alarm.
(he here is used to generalise male and female)
did he just come back drunk from clubbing and thought it was fun?,
or fell asleep while cooking something to eat?,
or fell into the toilet bowl while letting his/her food get overcooked?
whatever the reason.. the person who set off the alarm, is an idiot.... for disturbing my sleep.. if i had earplugs... may i burn with the building.. :p which my dad will kill me for... haha
standing outside in the cold and strong winds... aiii.. hope i don't have to experience it again...
another thing is that, the weather here is so dry now, i put a glass of water near my window and my golly, the water evaporates so damn fast.. so dry.. and i've been drinking so much water lately.. always feeling thirsty.. the wind is so strong that it causes the doors to "whistle" (air passing through the cracks between the door and the door frame at high speed causes this.) ahh... annoying la.... walk also kena push by the wind.. apa ini =='
ok got to go for a group disucssion for my medical seminar on monday.. sucks having to work on a sunday arghhhh....
thanks for putting up with the crap
and to cheese, may your com rest in peace
(if you can't fix it... but hopefully you can :p), it's tellin you to get a new one muahaha.. go get a macintosh :p hahahha
UPDATE on the fire alarm.. according to a mail that i got from the resident tutor/warden.. the fire alarm was triggered for fun... to the stupid assholes who triggered it, may you rot in hell, for disturbing the whole of bridges from their slumber and worse of all, for wasting the time of the fire bridgade who could have been saving some other people's lives.. inconsiderate fools.. who don't have brains and don't think.. they will only realise that their action is actually very disasterous if next time they are faced with a life threatening fire and the reason the fire bridgade didn't come was because they were answering a false alarm.. have they never heard of the boy who cried wolf?? sigh... these people... i have no comment on their stupidty, selfishness, and immaturity...
but oh well.. who am i to dictate that they should go to hell.. but as the chinese teachings always say, what you do, comes back to you.. (bao ying - Mandarin.. i think i got it right haha)
in simpler terms, it's just called: cause and effect :p
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