✿ 未来が見える : Flow© ✿

The smooth surface, Almost mirror like, Watching it unknowingly, I entered its flow, Unconsciously submerged by it, Fighting to grasp the sky, Before being pulled down again, Following it’s flow, Unable to turn back, The road is set; I shall head to sea, Can you see the future? It’s unpredictable ✿Oracl3✿

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Woe:Is:Me..... -.-

sigh.... yes.. woe is me...

why? cause let's see.. the university nicely decided to make us work in groups for a seminar, which seminar? my medical seminar...

since high school days, i have dreaded working in a group,unless it's sports or outdoor activities, in such activities, people are sure to have teamwork, but when i mean work i mean studies... why?

well, i m sure everyone has had the same experience... working with people who don't bother to do a damn thing, etc.. i have met a lot of this kind...

when the work is not assessed, i get pissed, do the work and after that just forget it... but when the work is assessed... i will get that person kicked out of the group, and i will scold that person or show my displeasure.

i will state clearly, that i am no push over when it comes to work.

ya sure other times u can bully me, maybe cause i'm naive or cause i let you... but not when my grades are at stake...

but usually such work only involves working with that person once... when it involves a permanent group.... that is when i take charge... and show that i am no push over :p

the first time i showed that i was no push over was in SAM to uma, and till now... she seems kind of afraid of me.. though i still talk to her from time to time.. but i will never, and i mean NEVER do any work that requires team work with her anymore...

you might say that maybe the cause of my woe, could be that i'm no team player...
i know myself.. when i m put into a group and if it really matters to me, i can become a team player, but most of the time i m the leader.. unless i am not very sure with the topic or if the group has a good enough leader, i will just leave it as it is...

now back to the medical seminar group.. and the reason why this post is here...

on the 15th of january i started my cclasses.. or more like tutorials and seminars.. hence i was always busy cause i had to prepare for them.. i apologise to those that i couldn;t chat with due to that, but work comes first.. anwyay..

on the 15th i had my first medical seminar, as it was teh first, we had no groups assigned to us yet, and we just discuess cases...

at the end of the class we were put into groups.. intially i did not want to and had absolutely no intention of taking the reins in the group.. but by friday, no one had bothered to email anyone at all regarding the group work.. so on friday brian who was one of my group member asked me about it, and so i had to take the reins, and i emailed the other 3 group members.. (there are 5 of us in a group)

i emailed these people on a friday, sayin that we will meet in the library on sunday 2pm to discuss and set out teh power point slide..

sigh... wat happened later..well one emailed me about 2-3 hours before meeting up saying that she can't make it, and here were the case facts... i was a lil wtf, cause case facts??? hello i can get taht on my own...

another one told me that he was busy, so fine...

at least these two ppl told me...

the other two?? i had to call one... who did not answer his hp, or his sms.. and had to call his corridor mate to find out where he is... sheesh, at least tell me if you can't make it.... in the end i caught hold of him, and he promised to come in the evening to discuss.. so we will see about it...

another one.. this one is the worse.. i don't know whether it's cause she didn't check her mail at all or what... but wtf???? never show at all... no word nothing.....

the best part of all? i have another 6 seminars with this ppl ... yea.....


on the bright side... i have more time to do my revenue tutorial and well vacuum my room and wash my sink.. yea....

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At 7:44 am GMT+9 , Blogger Theodwyn said...

Sounds like a situation familiar to anyone who's been in higher education =]

Its not nice... but you'll get through it ;) And i'm here reading blogs when I should be reading research papers... haih... only first day of term... and its already shite.. haih..

Very nice layout for your blog btw :)


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