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Saturday, February 21, 2009

To fight, or not to fight that is the Question...


この手紙はあなたたちのためである。戦うはつずく下さい! 頑張れ!

With the recent controversy going on about Elizabeth Wong and those photos of hers... it seems that the political scenario is getting quite dirty.. (assuming, like everyone else, that it's politically motivated...)

I can empathise with Elizabeth, and though I cannot fully understand her feelings, I do somewhat understand what she is going through right now...

The apprehension, and the feeling of loneliness, the fear.... the insecurity.. it's all really horrible..
this is really harassment to the max!

I don't blame her for feeling afraid, and just wanting to shy away and hide from the rest of the world, but I think, she is giving in to her fear.. it takes time to get over the fear, but at this point of time, eventhough it's lonely and it's hard, eventhough it's scary, I don't think she should give in to the fear.

I don't think she should resign, and that she should continue, protecting the party? I think the party is the one that should protect her, I mean correct me if I'm wrong. But that's just my personal opinion, she is the victim here, not the party.

She should stay on, and fight, for women who may be potential victims of such demeaning acts. it's a fact that men do not understand this, and some may try to empathise, and honestly not all women will automatically understand, but at least she has the support of the people. In some sense it's still lonely, but some people have managed to turn their fear and loneliness into strength, and even more so when they have a cause to fight for. This changing of energy will do good.. In the end she will just have to reach out and trust again. it's hard, easier said than done, but it can be done, all that's needed is sheer will power.

Though I understand it takes time, not everyone is that strong willed. But again, she should fight, this is a violation to her as a person, and as a women, it is sexual harassment, and something should be done this round to prevent it from happening the next time to someone else, or God forbid the same person. so yes, she shouldn't resign, or the perpetrator will have gotten what he/she aimed for to start with...


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