✿ 未来が見える : Flow© ✿

The smooth surface, Almost mirror like, Watching it unknowingly, I entered its flow, Unconsciously submerged by it, Fighting to grasp the sky, Before being pulled down again, Following it’s flow, Unable to turn back, The road is set; I shall head to sea, Can you see the future? It’s unpredictable ✿Oracl3✿

Friday, March 28, 2008

Shorter version of the wedding...

For a shorter version of the wedding.. i.e. less posts (it's only one post on the other blog), less commentary, and less pictures.. head on over to Generation Lim --> Here

That is for those lazy souls who think my blog has too many pictures& words.... And are lazy to wait for all of them to load, because generation lim consists, of the same pictures and an almost simliar commentary, just that, i cut out quite a lot of words and pictures from that post..

but well if you have time at your leisure, than you might just want to go through all three posts about the wedding, but if you are one of those unfortunate souls who do not possess that time, then head over to generation lim, and read just one post..

and also again, i apologise for all grammar and spelling mistakes on both blogs, because i didn't read through to check, as i'm lazy? and well.. it's so damn time consuming, that i'm sort of fed up..and it's already 210am.. so yeah.. you know why.....


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Its light is dimmed, The abandoned star, Fighting on, To shine once more, Reaching out to brighter lights, To place it back on the stage once more, To once again be the star she was, The path is rough, But she will make it there. Can you see the future? It’s unpredictable…
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