✿ 未来が見える : Flow© ✿

The smooth surface, Almost mirror like, Watching it unknowingly, I entered its flow, Unconsciously submerged by it, Fighting to grasp the sky, Before being pulled down again, Following it’s flow, Unable to turn back, The road is set; I shall head to sea, Can you see the future? It’s unpredictable ✿Oracl3✿

Friday, April 13, 2007

Derrick & Kimberly's Birthday

on the 20th of march, two friends of ours here in reading celebrated their birthday, namely derrick and kimberly...

they held a joint celebration in thai corner in reading town.. anyway as always a picture speaks a thousand words...

girls posing... seateed fr left, jessy, me aiyee, standing fr left melissa, xian ai and alicia...

the bunch of malaysians that showed up for the celebration...

me, wincci, jin fong, and kenny

the people at my table, we have xian ai, aiyee, paul, joel, on the right,aizat, jin fong, and me... tho joel moved later, to make it easier for the waiters to give out the food portions... :p

seated desmond, mel, and jin fong, standing is me and the birthday boy derrick :)

we have the birthday girl here next to desmond, ie kimberly.. so we have des, kim, jin, me and on the other side, joel, paul, aiyee, and xian ai

the rest of the pics --> http://rdg.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1615&l=e932f&id=511511700


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Its light is dimmed, The abandoned star, Fighting on, To shine once more, Reaching out to brighter lights, To place it back on the stage once more, To once again be the star she was, The path is rough, But she will make it there. Can you see the future? It’s unpredictable…
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