✿ 未来が見える : Flow© ✿

The smooth surface, Almost mirror like, Watching it unknowingly, I entered its flow, Unconsciously submerged by it, Fighting to grasp the sky, Before being pulled down again, Following it’s flow, Unable to turn back, The road is set; I shall head to sea, Can you see the future? It’s unpredictable ✿Oracl3✿

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Cat Caught my net?? Well, mosquito net... Oh, & the law symposium...

Okay today is the first day of the International Law Symposium, organised by among others the University of Malaya.. in PJ Hilton.. it runs for two days, today and tomorrow i.e. 7th-8th August from 9-5pm...

What is it about..? Well basically it's an international conference about International law..

For someone who did not take International law in her LLB, and whom has forgotten her General Principles of Law [Studied in first year], Constitution and Administrative law [studied this in second year] and European Union Law [Studied in third year.] I was really lost... I don't know why, but I just sucked at those subjects.. maybe because it was dry... But I don't remember much about them... Well, okay I admit.. Only God knows how I passed these 3 papers....

Though some things said at the Conference seemed familiar... like Dicey's rule of Law.....

But well, honestly, if it wasn't for this other participant that I met, I would have been really, really lost, he was a Master's student, but is orginally an International Law lecturer in Sri Lanka, so he taught me the basics of International and Humanitarian Law.. I must profess it's interesting..

The whole conference would have been even more interesting if, and I don't really mean to insult.. but it would have been better, if I could understand the speakers better..

They had flew in speakers from Vietnam, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, America, Singapore, India etc..

Among those that spoke today, some could be understood, some were incoherent, the microphone made their voices too soft to be heard sometimes, and it seemed to me that they were mumbling at times... [blame my ears or whatever.. but I really couldn't understand what they were saying... sigh...]

So every time they start their mumbling, I end up zoning out.. =.=' plunking back rudely back to earth only, when my brain realises it recognises that English is being spoken again.. sigh...

But to make up for it, I met a few nice people there whom are nice to chat with, there was this lecturer from Monash, who was really nice.. I seriously thought she was younger than she looked!! I was shocked when she told me she did her CLP in 1993.... and had 3 kids!! I thought she was about my sister's age!!

And that was that.. Being Malaysians... the event started late.. And I would say it was a good 30-40 minutes behind schedule, and as luck would have it.. Xian Ai's slipper broke, and it was raining, making it impossible for us to walk all the way to the LRT station, which was about 1km away... so we left early as her mom came to pick us up before the placed started to jam up with people leaving for home from work...

As I've been sleep deprived for the past 3-4 days.. it really took me a lot of effort not to fall asleep and force myself to concentrate and try to understand the speakers... which resulted in some mild irritation on my part.. but in the end.. I just grasped what I could, and almost all of them said the same things about adopting International law into their country.. it's quite basic...

I guess another thing was the way they presented their speeches.. merely sitting there and mumbling incoherently/ reading their prepared speech.... [There were some good ones though..] can put anyone to sleep, as was proven when I looked around the room from time to time, in a desperate attempt to keep awake....

The participants I must say, do not really do this conference justice, and the fact that they were behind schedule and could not allow questions from the floor due to time constraints really seems to defeat the purpose of this conference... on my opinion..

Almost half the people there were students from UM, then there were the speakers that made up.. maybe less than a quarter.. and the next majority were lecturers from all over.. and finally a handful of lawyers.... It felt a little wasted to me, especially when you've managed to get all these influential people such as the judge of the ICJ [International court of justice], President of the American law society etc...

Anyway, back to the topic at hand about their presentation... The Singapore representative wasn't bad, as he used visual aid, i.e. power point.. and I guess it was a bonus that I understood his English... =.=' the speaker from.... Hong Kong wasn't bad either.. and well there were a few others...

Overall, it was an experience, and I still have part 2 tomorrow.. but tomorrow's topic, I believe should be more interesting, as today was mostly about the implementation of International law.

But tomorrow it's going to be, Environmental law; & Terrorism and Humanitarian Law... sounds interesting? let's hope it's as it sounds.. And I think I'll go dig my ear or something now....


Oh, and I forgot haha.. the title is in regards to my mosquito net that covers my window.. I came home today, half asleep from the law symposium closed my curtain and took a shower..

After dinner and the news, when I came back upstairs and opened the curtain.. I noticed that it looked like a cat had been through it.. The first thing that went through my sleep deprived blur mind was.. Did the wind do this? because well, my dad told me that it rained heavily....

Then when my brain kicked in.. it told me it was a cat... problem is.. I have a dog, not a cat.. since when did I own this ferocious depraved imaginary cat?

So as my deprived, ravaged brain tried to solve the mystery.. or well... more like it couldn't be bothered to know what happened to it anymore.. My dad came and solved the mystery...

Guess who was the culprit? Not the wind, Not the imaginary cat... it was just the...

Washing machine....

Apparently of the 4 mosquito nets he placed in the machine.. only one came out unscathed.. and that one belonged in his room....

...What a violent shredding monster.... haha...


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At 11:24 pm GMT+9 , Blogger chelle said...

How come I don't know about this law symposium thingy.
I wanna gooooooooooo!!!!!!!
And the ICJ people were there!!!!

Envious much.


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